Startup Life

[caption id="attachment_1812" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Credit: Anastasiia Chepinska, Unsplash[/caption] Without a shadow of a doubt, COVID-19 has impacted every conceivable facet of our society. For us in Hong Kong, some of these impacts have visibly changed the landscape of the city; streets are sparsely populated, and the remainder...

時間是寶貴的,人的能力是有限的,而浪費掉的時間更是一去不復返的。Startup的節奏快而多變。據統計,Startup 團隊的工作時間比起其他公司的至少多 40-50%。他們絕大部分的工作時間用於計劃、創作、執行和維持某一種產品/服務/文化。為Startup打拚,懂得善用時間才能創造最大的效益。:)...